
The 75 & ZT Enthusiasts is 100% donation-based organisation

Membership Benefits include:

# access to the forums as honoured guests of 75 & ZT Enthusiasts Group

# ability to Private Message other forum members. PM storage limit for subscribed members is 250 to allow members to keep important information for longer.

# avatars and signatures in posts

# use of any and all materials published on 75 & ZT Enthusiasts Group in the furtherance of maintaining, repairing, refurbishing and the rebuilding of members’ cars

#use of the 75 & ZT Wikipaedia and build data software

# access to 75 & ZT Enthusiasts Group resident experts for help, advice, hints and tips

# information about and invites to very special events organised by 75 & ZT Enthusiasts Group

# the opportunity to influence the direction 75 & ZT Enthusiasts Group takes and to help ensure the long-term future of the marque

#discounted rates for the NEC Classic Car Show

#discounted insurance quotations from Peter Best Insurance Services

# being a part of something that aims to look after its members as well as their cars

Please note

There will be nothing to distinguish whether an individual has donated or not in terms of their forum ID.

Other than the above exceptions all members have exactly the same rights and responsibilities on the forum in their capacity as guests of 75 & ZT Enthusiasts.

The forum has very few rules, however, should a member choose to abuse the hospitality of 75 & ZT Enthusiasts their account will rapidly be restricted and this will quickly be followed by deletion should they fail to take heed of advice given*.

This is a closed forum and cannot be viewed by passing surfers with the exception of the ‘public’ section for non subscribed members.

75 & ZT Enthusiasts does not pretend to be a democracy, nor to guarantee absolute freedom of speech. That said we do aim to give people as much say as possible in what 75 & ZT Enthusiasts does and for members to feel able to voice their thoughts freely provided they remain polite, courteous and moderate.

* the 75 & ZT Enthusiasts reserves the right to vary or remove individual membership access to any or all areas of the forum.

For the other ‘legal bits’ associated with the forum see here: Legal information/forums

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